Fatura Çevirici
Fatura Çevirici
Fatura Çevirici

Invoice Converter
It is a utility that provides the transfer of the invoices organized by the businesses from the commercial software (Logo, Mikro, Summit, ETA, Akınsoft and other programs) used in the enterprises to the accounting programs used by the Independent Accountants.
What is Invoice Converter?
"5-day business is 5 minutes to come down" developed with the slogan of the Independent Accountant Financial Advisor utility.
What is the most difficult, boring job of a Freelance Accountant Bureau? You must say that everyone places the invoice processing first. If you are holding a monthly account of more than 500 invoices, or if you have a recruitment account, one of your staff will be dealing with the bills of those taxpayers for 2-3 days.
So what is this bu Invoice Converter P? How does it work ? When you upload the contents of the file to Invoice Converter and introduce the contents of the file one time, our software reads the excel file and takes the invoices into itself. Then you can specify the 391, 600, 120 or 191, 153, 320 subaccount items according to the sub-accounts, whether the daily, or 10-day or monthly plug-in to the accounting program you use to transfer the plug.