How should the ideal document management system be?

How should the ideal document management system be?


How should the ideal document management system be?

The archiving of millions of documents according to the rules without human error allows searching through these documents and elimination of the complications that may arise during the destruction and removal of documents.


· Instead of manual flow of documents in the office, you leave it in a fully automated system


· The search speed is in the order of seconds and the number of documents does not affect the search speed. The search speed is in the order of seconds depending on the complexity of the search.



· After scanning a physical document, transfer it as if it were in Word environment, save time


· File browser feature. Add files using the file browser, delete files (for authorized users). Recording of deleted files in garbage can.


· Compatible with ABBYY Recognition Server, ABBYY Fine Reader, ABBYY FlexiCapture and other optical character recognition systems.


· Keeping / logging of query and document access as IP address, user, date-time, query and accessed document.


· Advanced role-based user management with content search, search in document credentials, file explorer, file editing (such as deleting files, uploading files), document identity editing, document entity search authorizations. Authorizations can be role and unit-based.


· File formats in any format can be used. Some of these are PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, XML, text, RTF, and so on.


The whole process is covered by a single management system, the staff does not bother to search for documents in the archive and the office, the ability to search through the contents, the artificial intelligence all information searched for in accordance with authority comes in front of the circulation of documents can be shared, unnecessary documents are passed.