Electronic Signature Software
Electronic Signature Software
Electronic Signature Software

Institutions' information investments are increasing day by day, hardware and software parks are growing like an avalanche. One of the biggest problems this grower has is that every new hardware and system must be integrated with existing systems. In the use of information security related products, this problem becomes more difficult to overcome. The work to be done to ensure the safety of the systems requires serious expertise. Institutions / organizations generally prefer products of specialized firms to overcome information security problems.
SECUBE e-signature libraries are produced with more than 10 years of e-signature experience of SECUBE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LLC. and allow signing operations to be done quickly and safely with its easy-to-use interfaces with defined security and standards. Software libraries have been developed on Java and .NET platforms so that e-Signature integration can be easily implemented in software.
ETSI TS 101 733 Electronic signature format in CADES standard (ASN data structure)
ETSI TS 101 903 XADES standard electronic signature format (XML data structure)
Electronic signature format in ETSI TS 102 918 ASIC standard
ETSI 102 778 Electronic signature format in PADES standard (PDF data structure)