Document Digitizing Process
Document Digitizing Process
Document Digitizing Process
Today, everything from shopping to teaching is done right online via the World Wide Web. With the Internet becoming the most convenient and easily accessible data transfer mode, the need to convert data to digital formats has increased. A separate business line that provides document digitization services has emerged to fulfill the demand of customers who want to convert documents to digital format. Flatworld Solutions is one of the pioneers of this business area.
It is very important to understand exactly what the document digitization is and why it is necessary especially in the corporate world.
What is document digitization?
Document conversion is the processing of paper documents into digital format conversion. You can protect your documents by converting your documents to digital format. Services that are allied with this conversion are called Document Digitization Services. Any type of document or data, from texts, pictures, audio, video, business cards, books, periodicals to newspapers, can be digitized and transformed into:
Digital formats such as text, html, xml, pdf, doc, xls, giff, jpeg, tiff and mdb
Any media such as a CD, cassette, or Zip disk
In addition, digitized documents can be shared with anyone, regardless of geographic location, through data sharing tools such as Internet, FTP, VPN and Telnet.
Which Documents Should be Digitized ?
Screening of one hundred percent of your documents may not provide the most cost-effective solution for your situation. We provide intelligent scanning based on the access requirements for different document types.
Frequently accessed documents or document elements - such as a customized coverage page for an insurance policy - are always scanned. A well-designed, selective scanning program can provide dramatic reductions in conversion costs while meeting document access requirements.
OCR Expertizing
Store valuable documents in digital format
Secube Informatics offers complete, cost effective digitization solution. We help in the production of archival digital images. State of the art technology converts data from any source such as digital, typewriter or manuscript into a specific digital format. Documents are scanned, as required, by Over Book Scanners, Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) Scanners, and Desktop Scanners. Each page is scanned with iThresholding, which automatically adjusts brightness and contrast for scanned documents. The software corrects auto-cropping, auto-orientation, color perceptions and background color, and significantly reduces the digitization time.
Our method of digitization
Documents Received, Inventory Preparation, Document Scanning, Image Processing, Quality Control, Warehouse Transfer